Tarantula Hawk Wasp
Tarantula hawk wasp (Pepsis sp.) feeding on milkweed flowers
Image by: NPS/Brad Sutton
(this is one of the only images on this entire site that I did not take myself, see below)
This particular creature has caused me more feelings and irrational reactions of fear than any other thing I have encountered in my entire life. I have never been afraid of a creature before, not a screamer over snakes or spiders. Some of it irrational, some of it founded upon the mighty myth around this flying specialized hunter. They are huge… hummingbird sized, fly like they are drunk driving, and often in my flowers. They make clicking sounds that really get into the psyche. I think we look alike, actually. We dress similarly. Please do some googling to read horror stories about the realities of their sting; reported to be one of the most painful stings of any insect.